Hi Everyone,

Thank you for taking the trouble to read about our Toddler Group. It’s that time of year when we all get excited to receive our ‘new pack’ as a welcome to the group complete with its own Calendar detailing all the wonderful things we have to look forward to through 2019. A new year, a new beginning.

Our very first session coincided with a teacher training day so we were very fortunate to catch up again with all ‘our children’ who had moved to their next phase of education, grown up enough for big school but still enjoying making Penguins, Snowmen and a Sing and Sign with Julie Messer.

Suzi Millar has joined us as a new helper and has been made to feel very welcome by all the children and parents, we are delighted at how well she has settled in, here she is assisting with the Playdough.  

Get Cooking with Anne Marie presented home made Christmas bread, scrummy, spiced and easy to make for little hands, take it home to prove a little before baking in the oven and enjoying as a treat for afternoon tea.  Toddlers is a place where we come together to have fun, meet new friends, learn the importance of how to share and be part of a wider family, it is just fabulous to see Mums, Dads, Nanas, Grandmas, Grandads all chatting together and giving of that most precious commodity time, for each other and time for their children.

Our Annual AGM will be held during the session on Monday 25th February where all present can have a say on how the Group is going and share the financial report of our income and expenditure. As our good readers all know we are all spent out and need to secure some funds for this year so ………… another date for your diary is Saturday 23rd March when we will be hosting the Coffee Morning at All Saints Church in the Tom Hauley Room, 10 till 12 noon. This is something we all love to do but rely on donations of homemade cakes and raffle prizes so please help if you can.

As the year progresses our resident Holistic Therapist will be easing stressed shoulders, we will be dancing the session away with our lovely Miss Lorraine, we will be exploring Space – the final frontier, making secret dens and very hush hush a princess has been invited to the Group.

Come and join us – If you want to join us at the Toddler Group then Lynne, Selina, Suzi and Reg look forward to welcoming you come on round the kettle’s on. We are based at the Scout Hut, High Street, Harbury, CV33 9HW and meet at 9.30am saying bye bye at 11.15.Thinking of coming along or need more information please do ring Lynne on 01926 612748 or email lynnebarton@btinternet.com

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